Beautiful wings has lots of pain behind it..!

For the past few thing got into my mind and  I find it difficult to handle or accept it. And its not on the professional side ..its on the personal side…! The incident or the person or the thing related to this is not important …but I want to say something about my perception…!

I was in a thought that…with all my lessons learned from my past (emotionally) I can handle all the things easily. But things are not in my favor…life is interesting…it throws different things in different stages of life.And now again with lots of introspection  slowly getting to accept the things. Its about taking and accepting persons as they are…and everyone has a personal side and its different with everyone…! They should handle it and they should learn from their experiences…and no one else should try to help them getting out of the problem ( if they are grown enough).

Just remember this small story of a Butterfly which exactly relates to this post..( once told by me friend to me…!)

A man found a cocoon of a butterfly.
One day a small opening appeared.
He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours
as it struggled to squeeze its body through the tiny hole.
Then it stopped, as if it couldn’t go further.

So the man decided to help the butterfly.
He took a pair of scissors and
snipped off the remaining bits of cocoon.
The butterfly emerged easily but
it had a swollen body and shriveled wings.

The man continued to watch it,

expecting that any minute the wings would enlarge
and expand enough to support the body,
Neither happened!
In fact the butterfly spent the rest of its life
crawling around.
It was never able to fly.

What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand:
The restricting cocoon and the struggle
required by the butterfly to get through the opening
was a way of forcing the fluid from the body
into the wings so that it would be ready
for flight once that was achieved.

Sometimes struggles are exactly
what we need in our lives.
Going through life with no obstacles would cripple us.
We will not be as strong as we could have been
and we would never fly.

Cocoon goes thru the pain to get wings for life...!

It took all these years to understand this story exactly. Just tried to protect or help a friend from a big problem . But later realized that its time for my friend  to learn to handle this problem and get out of  it. When it comes to personal problem I should have thought this twice before involving into this. Life is all about learning and leading….! Again a good lesson from my best friend….! Thanks for that…and sorry if I disturbed in one way or other…!

Whatever happens ….Life has to GO on …!

My view
Vaaranam Aayeram, best of the autobiographic kind of movie ever taken in Tamil.It’s a complete autobiography of a young man who got inspired by his father.Hats off to Surya for his marvelous performance.He was more then we expected. A film full of Surya and one should have 1000 eyes to watch him in all the frames of the movie.Surya was never displayed this much handsome.Really we should have 1000 eyes to watch him.

As guessed this movie has the traces of Tom hank’s Forrest Gump, not the whole story but the story line was inspired from Forrest Gump and style of story narration was also resembles the same.The movie just portrays the best father we have ever seen. Everyone will love to have a father like him and every old couple will really realize , how they miss their life by not expressing to each other.The old couples love and intimacy was really beautiful and well shown.The performance of father surya (Krishnan) was mind blowing.The body language, style, tone etc., etc., every thing was 100% perfect with surya.Surya along with the simran, really good to watch them as a couple.Simram made some remarkable performance , will be liked by everyone.

The young surya …was really amazing and you will wonder at his commitment for this movie. He was an energy pack.In some places you can’t believe your eyes.He shows difference in all the stages of the character. He comes as 12th student,first year student, final year student,25 year old guy,30 year old,commando,as a father of 5 year old etc., Everywhere he fits with the character and changed his complete physic.Surya’s six pack was amazing and he looks more handsome in those scenes.

When coming to romance , its simply awesome. Sameera reddy looks pretty good and we can feel the freshness in the love.The one hour with complete love scenes will take you to a different world.Sure every one will miss their loved ones while watching this.The feel of love, the bliss in the love, the real pain of love and every thing about love was displayed perfectly.When it comes to divya , its a different kind of display and makes us pretty comfortable.We can see sort of kakka kakka movie’s love.Divya looks more beautiful in this movie.

When it comes to music, the background music adds value to the movie.We can hear some sort of music everywhere in the movie.Nenjukul,Anal meale,Adiye kolluthe,yethi yethi are well picturised. Expecially ‘nenjukul peidhidum’ and ‘adiye kolluthe’ songs wins our hearts. Extraordinary dance by surya. I was mostly disappointed with the Mundinam song, the song was pictured in a different way and looks good, but for this song the expectation was more and I expected more romance in it.I was totally disappointed with this song.Hats off to thamarai for her excellent lyrics.

All over the movie we can see the Gautam’s brilliance and non masala scenes. Apart for few things , Gautam‘s job was excellent.Again he proved his ability in this movie and his way of story telling resembles English movies. And as usual lots of English dialogs in this movie.

A bit lengthy movie which runs around 3 hours.Apart from the first 20 and last 20 minutes, the move would have been a extraordinary one. Since the movie starts with sadness and ends with sadness, you may sulk when coming out of the theater.This movie is not surely for the guys who hates emotional scenes. This has lots of emotional scenes, which will create some impact with every one. We can see crazy love, romantic love, parents love n respect,lots of positive notes and few negatives too.I’m sure this movie won’t be a big hit , but its a life time movie for Surya and displays the another face of Indian cinema.Lots of things to learn and lots of things to inspire.

Since the movie revolves around the script , we can feel a slowness in the movie. I cannot say this was the best movie to Gautam, he just got to say some thing and he did it on the track.If ones likes Surya, then Vaaranam Aayeram would be a treat for them. Go with less expectations , sure u will enjoy the movie.

Totally a good movie to watch. As a whole , this movie shows and says “Whatever Happens …Life has to go on …! “.
Had good time watching this movie. It’s all just about my perception and my view (not review)on this movie and has no intention to hurt any individual.

Enthiran – The Robot (sci-fi Movie)

Enthiran is in back and shooting is in progress. The ROBOT (renamed as Enthiran) team is now in US for the shooting of the sci-fi movie. As it is billed as one of the biggest flick in Indian History , expectations are in peak now. May be some controversies lies on the previous movie Kuselan , but sure it won’t affect the market of Enthiran.

Robot - poster

Enthiran - The Robot

One thing I wonder is , how Shankar is going to display Rajini in Robot story. Becasue he discussed with Sharuk khan for this movie and finally he decided to do with Rajini.How come Sharuk’s role will match with Rajini ???  According to the original story (written by Sujatha), there are three powerful characters in the film ( sibi , nila and a dog ).Hope some will remember a play displayed in Doordarshan channel  several years back (En Eniya Enthira). I guess there would be lots of changes in story (may be whole story line would have been changed for Rajini). Any ways we can expect lots of wonders and blunders in the Enthiran (as it was in Sivaji ). Still thinking of the songs in a sci-fi movie … no option there will be min 5 songs with at least two duets with Aish. 🙂

Some interesting things are about the technicians working in the movie are ,

While Mary E Vogt – Designer worked for Men in Black, Batman Returns and Inspector Gadget will be designing the scientific outfits.

Stan Winston Studio (USA) –  which was responsible for the impressive animation sequences in movies such as Predator, Jurassic Park, Pearl Harbor, Iron man and the Terminator will work on the animations part.

Yuen Woo Ping – stunt director worked for Tiger Hidden Dragon, Matrix and Kill Bill, has been put in charge of the action sequences of the movie. (good relief from Kanal kannan ).

Hollywood companies like ILM, Tippet, Café EFX; and Hong Kong companies like Centro and Menfond have been roped in to work on VFX.

Best wishes for a sci-fi movie from India and especially from Kolywood. I wish Sujatha’s thoughts and story should not be changed. As a rajini Fan, waiting to see him on big screens soon.