Ki & Ka – A Topsy Turvy thinking by Director

Ki & Ka – Hindi Feature film, yet another beautiful movie from Balki. Topsy-Turvy is the best word to describe one of the most talented directors of Indian Cinema. Different Concept, unique approach, perfect casting, soothing music, eye-catching visuals, suitable dialogs and an equalent sprinkling of humor and emotion all over the movie. If you can see all these in a single movie, then it is Dir. Balki’s creation.

Ki & Ka is a cleverly chosen sensitive subject. The plot is all about the topsy-turvy thinking of the relationship ( so-called traditional / conventional practice ). The way he handled the script was amazing. Kareena Kapor Khan & Arjun Kapoor did their best for this movie. Swaroop Sampat(Kareena’s mom) role was adorable. Though this movie has got mixed reviews both negative and neutral, I felt that Balki handled it very well by not making it as more emotional or more of an advice or preaching kind of movie. He touched most sensitive parts of the movie very lightly, as he wanted to get connected to the younger generation.He just wanted to break the perceptions  like Women has to do all the house chores and homemaking and Men have to earn and has the responsibility to protect the family. If handling and making a home is an art, then why its totally dependent on Women ?

Few other things I like in this movie are romance between Ki & Ka, Ka & Ki’s Mom relationship, Ki’s house railway and train interior ( though it looked dramatic or set kind of thing ), visuals & Ilayaraja’s background score.

Apart from the critics and reviews about this movie, I feel all men and women have to watch this movie once and this will surely bring a different perception of seeing their living style. I liked this movie very much and I will recommend it to my friends to watch it once 🙂


Its not about the so called culture and tradition…!

Got to watch the  Tamil movie – Vamsam in theater few days back. As  I was much impressed with the director Pandiraj’s previous movie “pasanga”, my expectations was lil bit high. And the review in Ananda vikadan – a Tamil weekly magazine also added more expectations into me.  While watching the movie I was lil bit disappointed with a usual village subject with normal stuffs. But the efforts were good and cleanly displayed. The second half of the movie is good, especially Jayaprakash and Kishore’s performance were extraordinary.

But I feel, director Pandiraj can do much more than this.I feel these kind of subjects need a good music.  But this movie failed to impress with the music. But one thing I hate with this move , not only with this movie and with all other movies is when it was about a particular caste system. Told positive or negative, but it creates impact on common people. Cinema is not only a entertainment media for most ppl, it travels beyond that. It gets into many lives and hearts an a  sensitive media too.

This generation doesn’t need the things related to caste system and the stories related to that. It will create a impact on this generation too. We don’t want to see a caste based division and discrimination again with our generation. And we need our next generation without caste system existence. I’m aware that these caste and subdivision are created with some good reason, but all the ex-generation gentlemen spoiled those values and now it is carried with different note and intention. And with the rapidly changing in the attitude of the living style , these things doesn’t mean much. So better to avoid to deal it detail in the movies.

Coming to this film Vamsam, the movie deals with a south region caste and portrayed the so called tradition and culture. The worst part is , few of my friends being a good critic , they like this movie and praised this movie blindly with no reason. I wondered why it was…then while discussing  to them in detail, I  came to know that they are from the same caste and region and they feel proud about this. I’m not finding a fault in them. Because movies is not only a entertainment , it also creates impacts. What we say culture and tradition in movies are not actually. Things were created for good cause and later it has been used for different cause.

Lets create a new caste & religion  free world for our next modern generation. Wish every director should have some social responsibility.

ps: about the movie is afterall my views and not review. Perception varies…just expressed my views.

I’m tired Boss …!

” Tired of bein’ on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain.

Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with, or tell me where I was coming from or going to, or why.

Mostly I’m tired of people being ugly to each other.

I’m tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday.

There’s too much of it. It’s like pieces of glass in my head all the time.

Can you understand …………..? ”

It’s a dialog spoken by “Michael Clarke Duncan” (John coffey) to Tom Hanks (Paul Edgecomb) from the movie “The Green Mile“. The story about the lives of guards on death row leading up to the execution of black man accused of child murder & rape, who has the power of faith healing. It’s a movie goes around some Miracle men John coffey. He has the power of feel and heal others problems.  As a great fan of Tom Hanks I just loved his movie. Reall a nice movie to watch.