Raising Intolerance – Cheap Journalism.

I was just wondering about why there is so much fuss about the word INTOLERANCE & AAMIR. I watched the interview recently and it’s a usual interview with tactical questions from Top Journalist forum and Aamir’s views as answers. There are a lot of other things he spoke was constructive and totally ignored by the so call media and they only took the part where he stated about the intolerance ( insecurity ) and his wife’s conversation with him on the insecure feeling.

All these media hyped this to a new level and made it related to politics and portraying Aamir as anti-patriotic. This is just an act of cheap journalism and everything for TRP. HOT words from a HOT star – sells high in TRP or any other related term for other media. As a common man if I was a Muslim, I would have felt the same intolerance and alarmed about the general public and media’s perception of Terrorism related to Islam. Please, remove the religious tag from Terrorism.

It is all about the secure feeling that a nation gives to a common man. No matter what is your Foreign investment policy, no matter how the GDP grows, no matter about the stunning technology revolution, no matter on the new political policies and stands, a common man just want to feel secured wherever he lives. Even most of the Indian’s like me are feeling alarmed and insecure due to the recent activities of a nationwide religious movement and on their moral policing. This is just one example…and more to be listed.

I have a strong feeling that patriotism is getting out fashioned and unwanted in the current scenario. Let’s think Humanity, Let’s think Global. Raise your voice for truth, raise your voice for humanity. Let’s put an end to Cheap Journalism.

ps: here is the link on the interview given by Aamir which created the Aamir – Intolerance wave.