Got the tickets for preview show …!

At last I managed to get the tickets for the preview show of Vaaranam Aayiram tamil movie. The movie is scheduled to release on Nov 14th and the preview show is on 13th Nov 10.00 pm at Satyam Cinemas. I was really excited when I got the tickets in my hands. The preview show is a charity show and the funds collected will be given to the NGO’s TANKER and REACH.

Actor surya

Actor surya

Surya is the ambassador for both REACH and TANKER. As he was involved in these NGO’s he made this show to these NGO’s. And two documentary films on Tuberclosis (TB) and Kidney related problems, will be screened on that day to create awarness to public.

I don’t know why I have this much craze with this movie. Hopefully its due to surya , one of my favourite hero (personally and professionally). Another reason would be director of this movie. Gautam menon.Preview show of my fav. hero, in my favorite theater Satyam Cinema’s ..its good. Anyways I am very eager to watch this movie. Will write the first review of this movie before it’s release. Juts wait for few days …!

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