A brand new END.

Year 2008, an awful year of lessons and experiences.2008 year has a different meaning in my life and will occupy a important page in my life book. It may not be the glittering page,but a page behind the glittering page.

As everything has another side of it, the pains gave me the strength to tackle things (more pain more gain), the lessons I learnt and the results I got made me to handle life in different dimensions, the experiences are priceless which shown me lots of realities. Thanks for 2008.

The so called beloved friends, my journeys,lots of babies,flowers,Sathyam cinemas,English movies,songs n music,vaaranam aayeram,meaningful progress in Blossom,the perfect strangers,Cinderellas,tAAre zameeN Par, my bike(Rx-100),ISHA,my sister,my blog,my small wonder(Reshma),The Moon,bourbon biscuits,Chocolates,ice creams,etc., All the above mentioned made my year merrier and left more pleasant memories. Thanks for everyone.

By forgetting all the sulky days and all the hiccups, I am ready hear to face a brand new extraordinary new day along with a new year 2009. Yet another bunch of 365 days with lots of surprises are awaiting. Life is beautiful when I treat every day as a new day.So lets pack the merrier moments and leave the untidy moments and move towards the 2009.

Happy New Year - 2009

Happy New Year - 2009

Thanks for Everything….Good bye 2008 .

Wishing you all a stupendous new year filled with good health and happiness.