The most awaited Tamil Nadu State Board HSSLC (12th) standard results for 2012 will be announced on May 22, 2012.  The results can be viewed in the following links when announced and published and can check this blog for the Detailed report of the results .










Keep visiting the blog, will update with more links and result updates. All the best for students and parents :).

We @ Blossom also waiting for the results..Since 3 of our QUEST Education Center students appeared for the 12th standard exams. all the best for QEC Stuents,..!

Right of Equality in Quality…!

A long awaited common syllabus for Tamilnadu schools (govt, matric, AngloIndian) from 1st to 10th std., has been released by the Tamilnadu government school education department. The syllabus framework for all the subjects has been displayed in the office website for school education department.


Seems that 886 teachers has been applied for writing textbooks for the new syllabus. Among those 306 teachers are interested in writing Tamil textbooks. And government has conducted written test to all those teachers on 30th Oct 2009. Based on the performance in the test the teachers will be selected.

Syllabus for both Tamil and English  mediums are given separately in PDF format. A feedback form is also given along with it. Public can give feedback on this new syllabus through the same website and the feedbacks will also be considered in finalizing the framework.

Seems that lots of care has been taken to prepare the new syllabus. I wish to gothrough all the subjects and will give my feedback as early as possible. I consider this as a great initiative by the school education department and hats off tto Mr.Thangam Thennarasu .

I was very eagerly waiting for this to happen. I wish the syllabus would have been framed at par with the existing matriculation syllabus. This is a great initiative. Equality in quality education can be achieved very soon. Best wishes….!

Its all about BEST and REST…!

Happy Independence Day…..by saying this once can display his patriotism. This is what happening today. I better wanted to call this day as social awareness day or social service day or Activism Day. Because lots of blood donation camps. medical camps, orphanage visits etc., are arranged today almost all the orphanages would be crowded with the good hearted persons…!

The happy thing is atleast in this day most ones get some awareness that they should atleast look back at the society. The good thing is that this kind of activities will change atleast few minds to contribute more to the society.

And coming to the point…this time I can say that this day is IN-DEPENDENT day . Because more basic things are still restricted in one way or other due these worse politicians.

Happy IN-DEPENDENCE day...!

Happy IN-DEPENDENCE day...!

Lack of quality in education in govt schools, restriction of higher studies due to family economy, less investment in Research and development in all the fields, going backwards in agriculture, increase in deaths due to droughts, no safe country for girls after 9.00 pm, no safe (good) roads to drive, no freedom to enjoy 24 hrs electricity, no control in increase in daily usable, increasing orphanages, etc., The list will continue. All the above said getting worse year by year. This is not a good sign of celebrating the 60 plus years of independence.

There are more things to be mentioned as improvement. I always look at the other side….because we need more improvement. People took activism os a one day can speak about best in the country. People took activism as a second profession can speak about the rest in the country,simply the real face of the country.So I come in second category.

And finally this day really good because of the vijay TV programs. Starting from Sivakumar’s tamil related program , neeya naana, yethu sudanthiram etc., this day was full of entertainments. Usually i take off from activism on this day. 🙂

SSLC (10th std) results 2009 TN

The most awaited SSLC (10th std) exam results,2009 for Tamilnadu students will be announced on 23rd May 2009 (Saturday) morning. Please find the below given links for getting the results online,


For geting the results through phone, dial these numbers,

Airtel landline 1250108,  BSNL landline 1250108,  BSNL mobile 1250108, Reliance CDMA 5550008

I’m avidly waiting for the results, three of our QUEST Educataion center students have written the exams.Hope to get a good resulsts this time. All the best for all the students.

Report on 12th std exam results – TN 2009

12th results has been announced last week .  The pass percentage has been bit decreased when compared to last year and the students from rural tamil nadu glitter this year. Students from Chennai faced a little set back this year. Unlike last year the govt schools in Chennai  lack in marks and pass percentage when compared to the govt  schools out of Chennai.

The Chennai corporation schools are not upto the mark this time. Few schools have recorded worst pass percentage. Happy news is few of the most backward districts of tamilnadu has shown a wonderful performance.

Please find the link for the detailed and reader friendly report on the 12th standard results 2009. The report talks about the govt school progress, pass percentage, top scorers district wise and in whole. Sorry for not able to cover all the districts. All the data’s in the report were collected from the news papers like Dinamalar, dinathanthi,thinamani,thinakaran,thina chudar,thamiz oosai,thamiz news,malai murasu,times of India, The Hindu, Indian express,malai malar,thina sudar.

Report : 12th std exam 2009 results review – district wise

Some of the interesting facts ,

  • For 24th consecutive year  virudunagar dt has topped the list in pass percentage.
  • None of the Govt/corp schools in Chennai has secured 100 percent pass percentage.
  • Around 5 schools has recorded less than 50% pass percentage.
  • DAV schools of Chennai take the credits of the TOP marks of Tamil nadu (non tamil as first language) 1190,1188,1186.
  • Top 10 students (three ranks) were from outside Chennai schools.

These facts apart, lets come to the review of the results. I’m not here just to play a blame game on the govt schools standards by comparing with the private schools. And for time being we cannot compare these two. Because for comparing  we should have at least few facts as competing.

The biggest organization with large infrastructures , highest man power , surplus money, lots of super brains, with more students strength and technology in hands. I mean govt as the organization. What else one need to run a school successfully. Why govt schools fail to make a mark ? They can say 1000 reasons for all these but how long we are gonna tell reasons ? When we are gonna work on solving this ?

I’m not blaming this particular govt..but all the past govts. All these years I have never  heard of a productive plans on improving quality in education of govt schools. No political party speaks about these area. No manifesto has given a clear promise in education department. I accept that infrastructure wise the govt schools are improved a lot. Computers reached almost all the schools. But what is the use in it..? Without having the efficient teachers and  with no proper monitoring  all these are waste of money.

Question the schools and staffs for the worst results ? Suspend the teachers who shown some poor performance without a valid reason. Provide performance based incentives to the teachers. Re validate the qualification of a teacher to enter the schools. Do more screening for selecting a teacher.  Give promotions only based on the performance and not only with the experience and say no to quota based postings. Please remove the reservation atleast for this department. The education minister should be well educated. Undertake all the management govt schools from the remote villages. Provide school busses/vans for students transportation. Set a standard for teachers skills and monitor for two years and if not met provide them VRS and appoint new teachers with high skills. Close almost all the B’Ed colleges started in the recent years and few colleges are enough to produce highly skilled teachers. Do not recognize D’Ed (diplomain teacher training).

Still  more things to consider. I just wanted to make a note that , Education department is the one to be given top most priority which in turn give lots of improvement in India. Reconsructing the teachers ability will bring more changes initially and then we can consider on other things of education department.

Still I dream for the day that no NGO’s are working for govt schools to provide quality in education and infrastructure. Else leave it to the NGO’s for few years and the young minds will bring a change for sure.And finally , government schools are not upto the mark and there is no reason to hide this.

may for many results…!

Results for Higher secondary board examinations (12th std ) are expected to be announced on the beginning of the second week of may 2009 (8th to 10th may). Till now government has not confirmed with the results date.

Please check these official links on the updates of result announcement date from education department.



Avidly waiting for the results and to see the progress of 2009 students when compared to 2008 students. I will update with a detailed comparison of the results in this blog on the day of announcement. Get back here soon…!

May is for many, main results (exam results , Election results, IPL ) and its life , fate and game. Hope the hard work should not be failed for first and last ;the honest work should not be failed for the second. May month may not be a good one for all but may be good for few who wins.

Let’s learn and let others learn…!

Got to watch a wonderful short movie (advertisement) on the awareness of  child education. It’s a social initiative from Surya’s Agram Foundation towards the importance of education. This was a combined production of Agaram and Vijay tv. Surya also invites volunteers to work together for this noble cause.

Official site : Agaram foundation

Hats off to surya for his extrodinary works towards the betterment of our society. I have been always inspired by surya’s onscreen and offscreen activities. And his NGO Agaram foundation is special in its own way. I will reveal some interesting facts about agaram foundation in a seperate post.Happy watching….!

Dance of Democracy – BJP

Here is the manifesto highlights of BJP for 2009 Lok sabha Elections ,

-No personal income tax for those earning up to Rs.300,000 per annum. For women and senior citizens, the exemption will be Rs.350,000 per year.

– Committed to the construction of a Ram Mandir at Ayodhya.

– To evolve a new route for Sethu Samudram bypassing Ram Setu.

– Firm steps to identify and retrieve Indian money stashed away in foreign banks.

– Ban on foreign direct investment (FDI) in retail sector to help domestic retail trade.

– To introduce POTA-type anti-terror law.

– To detect, detain and deport illegal immigrants.

– A comprehensive National Identity Card for all.

– All members of the armed forces and the para-military to be exempted from paying income tax.

– To set up a separate pay commission for the armed forces and also revisit the existing pay structure.

– To bring 33 percent reservation for women in legislatures.

– Student loans to be made cheaper and accessible by fixing interest at 4 percent.

– Promise to create 1.2 million IT-enabled jobs in rural areas.

– To launch an aggressive project to groom sporting talent by allocating Rs.5,000 crore (USD 1 billion) for creation of sports infrastructure.

– A mandatory ‘Dial 108’ for ambulance at your doorstep across country.

– Revive the creation of new All India Institutes of Medical Sciences in the country.

– Education and job quota will be introduced for economically backward sections of society.

– Tax exemption to senior citizens in respect of pension income.

– Priority to fight against climate change and global warming.

– Take appropriate steps to save tiger and safeguard critical habitants of all wildlife.

– Cleaning of Ganges and other major rivers a priority.

A manifesto with some good and lucrative promises and few dangerous promises. Few of the manifestos like national identity card ,dial 108 service ambulance for all villages, fight against global warming, saving wild life(tiger), village development,POTA act etc.,  are really encouraging.  Though National Congress and BJP share most of the promises  but in few promises BJP is unique in their own way. Except the Ram temple in Ayodhya…rest are ok with this manifesto.

Getting deeper into the promises will arise more questions for now like , is that possible / feasible etc., Lets wait and see …!

Source :- BJP official site,  For detaliled manifesto please click this link – Detailed manifesto 2009-BJP

ps:- I do not belog to any political party and its just my views and perceptions.

Dance of Democracy – National Congress

Dance of Democracy ..hope u can read this heading in TOI news paper. I feel this would be a appropriate title for my posts related to the 2009 Lok sabha elections. As beginning I will just deal with the lucrative manifesto’s of  Indian National Congress and BJP, the two leading players of the show.

Manifesto highlights of National Congress for 15th lok sabha 2009 elections ,

* Maximum possible security to each and every citizen.(zero tolerance on terrorism and national ID card for all).

*The highest level of defense preparedness and further steps for the welfare of the defence forces and their families.

*Accelerated process of police reforms.

*Increase in the daily wage paid under the NREGA from Rs 80 to Rs 100.

*Health security for all (mainly to women and rural India).

*Comprehensive social security to those at special risk.

*Quality education affordable to everyone.

*Nation-wide skill development programme.

*Expansion of schemes for improving the well-being of farmers.

*Democratic and professional functioning of cooperatives.

*Greater impetus to empowerment of weaker sections of society.

*Control of communalism and caste atrocities.

*Sharp focus on the special needs of children, especially the girl child.

*Making elected panchayat institutions financially strong.

*Broadband network in all villages in three years time.

*Special focus to small entrepreneurs and to small and medium enterprises.

*Maintenance of high growth with fiscal prudence and low inflation.

*Introduction of goods and services tax from April 1, 2010.

*New look to urban governance.

*New deal for youth.

*Protection of the environment.

*Massive renewal of science and technology infrastructure.

*Judicial reforms to cut delays in courts.

*Sensitivity to regional aspirations.

*Energy security.

*Steps to preserve and promote our heritage.

*Independent, pro-India foreign policy.

Nice to see some promises on few important issues like health insurance, education, urban governance, environment, national security and Id cards etc., Will be excellent if all these promises were reached. Lets wait and see….!

Source – congress website. For more details on manifesto please click this link Detailed manifesto.

ps:- I do not belog to any political party and its all my views and perceptions.

Hope for better scores this year…!

10th standard public board exam has started from 25th march 09 and ends on 8th April 2009. . Four of our QEC (Quest Education center) students are appearing for exams this year. They were trained well and hope to get some good results this year. Getting some g0od scores will bring more students to QEC from adjacent villages. Which in turn will benefit more number students.

All the best for Exams

All the best for Exams

Wishing all the best for the students on their first board exams.Wish the pass percentage should be high this year when compared to last year.

ps:- QEC is a education center run by Blossom, which provides supplementary education to the students in remote villages.