flutter of a butterfly’s wings creates a earth quake …!

Chaos theory …everyone who watched the movie Dasavatharam would have heard this word. The storyline of the movie is this theory. What is Chaos Theory ?? ..just continue reading to get some details on that ….

Chaos theory attempts to explain the fact that complex and unpredictable results can and will occur in systems that are sensitive to their initial conditions.

A common example of this is known as the Butterfly Effect. It states that, in theory, the flutter of a butterfly’s wings in China could, in fact, actually effect weather patterns in New York City, thousands of miles away. In other words, it is possible that a very small occurrence can produce unpredictable and sometimes drastic results by triggering a series of increasingly significant events.

Chaos theory - Butterfly Effect

Butterfly Effect - a plot of Lorenz attractor

Some more details here ….

It was Edward Lorenz, a meteorologist who first discovered evidence supporting chaos theory in 1960.This effect came to be known as the butterfly effect. The amount of difference in the starting points of the two curves is so small that it is comparable to a butterfly flapping its wings.

The flapping of a single butterfly’s wing today produces a tiny change in the state of the atmosphere. Over a period of time, what the atmosphere actually does diverges from what it would have done. So, in a month’s time, a tornado that would have devastated the Indonesian coast doesn’t happen. Or maybe one that wasn’t going to happen, does. (Ian Stewart, Does God Play Dice? The Mathematics of Chaos, )

This phenomenon, common to chaos theory, is also known as sensitive dependence on initial conditions. Just a small change in the initial conditions can drastically change the long-term behavior of a system.

Chaos has already had a lasting effect on science, yet there is much still left to be discovered. Many scientists believe that twentieth century science will be known for only three theories: relativity, quantum mechanics, and chaos. Aspects of chaos show up everywhere around the world, from the currents of the ocean and the flow of blood through fractal blood vessels to the branches of trees and the effects of turbulence.

Chaos has inescapably become part of modern science. As chaos changed from a little-known theory to a full science of its own, it has received widespread publicity. Chaos theory has changed the direction of science: in the eyes of the general public, physics is no longer simply the study of subatomic particles in a billion-dollar particle accelerator, but the study of chaotic systems and how they work.

..from all the info I got about the Chaos theory, I can say that it is interesting. I always agree with the saying  ” Life has reasons and Logics”. Every ‘happening’ in this world has a reason.   “Life is beautiful“….always.

Dasavatharam …!

Creating expectation is the easiest job in this world…but meeting the expectations is the toughest job . Dasavatharam did it. The expectation was huge on this movie. Padmasree Kamal hasan’s hard work was paid. After watching the movie , every one speaks about kamal and ten roles. There is no wonder in every one praising kamal. 10 different roles, 10 different ascent, 10 different body language. He is the only one to make it.

Still I haven’t watched the movie…just waiting for a ticket in Sathyam Screen. Hope to see the movie by next week end. Got a chance to read  the review (analysis) of Dasavatharam from a blog. Really a good one to read. Bit lengthier one but worth reading it. I just wonder about , how much he would have been impressed by this move. Check the link for the review ….

Review (analysis) Dasavatharam

Eagerly waiting to see this movie. Hats off to kamal hasan’s performacne and dedication. Best wishes for his next movie “Marmayoge”. Dasavatharam – another golden page added in the Book of World cinema.

most awaited …!

few of the most awaited movies are ready for release…

1. Dasavatharam (tamil) – Kamal Hassan movie – 13th June.

2. The Happening -a M. Night Shyamalan movie. – 13th June.

3. Hancock – a Will Smith movie – 04th July.

Night Shyamalan movie is on screens after two years. I was most impressed by his movies “Sixth sense” and “Unbreakable”. Most of his movies are US box office hits. And on Hancock ..its one of my favorite actors movie. Love to watch his movies. Just counting the days for watching the movie on the first day of release in Sathyam Cinemas. Dasavatharam ..hope in tamil nadu most of the movie goers are waiting for this movie. The movies is said to be the the first movie with a actor on 10 different roles. Expectations are there to break movie “Sivaji’s” record in box office. The movie is released with 1000 prints. Hope the movie is screened in almost all the theaters of chennai.

Hope for the best.