Lashings of apologize …!

Last weekend I had been to Erode to my friends house. As I have already said its a Home away from my home. Me and one of my friend was been there for three days. All the three days were fun filled days.

Good to see the improvements in my sisters DISHAA center( Remedial center for Learning Disability). Discussed with her about the next activities etc., Chatting with mom , sister and friends everything was good. While chatting I came to know that sisters b’day was over a week before. And the thing is I forgot to wish her and I forgot to celebrate. I felt verrrry bad. I thought that her b’day is in the first week of July.

I had plenty of plans for her b’day. Every thing spoiled. I was totally mood out..but managed . I couldn’t say sorry to her..bcos she never expects from me. But I cursed myself for forgetting the wonderful day. I don’t know why I am like this. For the past few months I keep on forgetting my closed ones b’days. I hate me to the core for whatever I did.

Anyways ..lashings of apologize to my sister.