Ithu Chennai Da !!!

#chennaifloods #chennairains #chennairescue #chennaimicro #verified #ChennaiRainsHelp #medicalcamp #areanames etc., etc., These are the rescue and relief tags used by most of the volunteers and good hearts towards Chennai. People stood up and getting back Chennai as normalcy.

Crores of Donors

Lakhs of Volunteers

Thousands of Camps

Tonnes of Relief materials

Hundreds of huge containers

Thousands of vehicles, vans, lorrys,  Cars

Thousands of Shelters ( Marriage halls, mosques, temples, Churchs, community halls, bungalows, houses, Complexes, Multiplex, theatres )

These made Chennai what it is now. This is new to Chennai to face such a natural disaster. Chennai had no experience to handle this situation. Chennai would have never imagined getting these much support in a short notice. But everything happened. Very proud to be in the generation and humanity. No words to express thanks to Indian and NRI donors and the love they shared.

Life is so much beautiful with these good hearted people around as.Thanks for everything. We will be back in form in few weeks.

Let’s roar … ITHU CHENNAI DA !!!

ps: illustration of Chennai done by


Getting purified by the nature’s best gift…!

” Rain is always a Gain,

Bcos it takes all my Pain without Vain ”

— anonymous

Getting wet in the rain, for me its a BLISS.  I love to get wet in the rain, and I usually do it. Rain walk, rain chat , rain bike ride, sitting in rain, running, jumping, hot coffee in rain, simply watching etc., I enjoyed every thing.  Words cannot explain better about these experiences, one should feel it.

Today me and three of my frnds been to Sign India , Exhibition at Trade center, Chennai. At the time we came out , it started raining..that too heavy rain. Suddenly I asked my guys over there for a company, they agreed..we took a plastic cover and packed all our cell phones, purses etc., and get in to the rain. Only we four were out in the rain, and others were standing inside and the building. More than one hour we were playing in the rain like kids, pushing water on others, pulling ourselves, chatting , jumping etc., Then we started to Eliots Beach, and had fun over there.

Really today was a amazing day, after  long time experiencing such a long rain. More than  2.30 hours. For all the ones, who are all afraid of getting wet in the rain (afraid of getting cold or fever or infection), I promise rain will not hurt u. It is the only pure water in this universe, which will not harm u in any case. If your heart says to get wet and when your brain stops you…simply don’t listen to your brain , come on…get wet…u will feel the Bliss. I always feel like,

“Rain cleans some dirt in me every time I get wet”,

“Rain cleans the environment as such a heart feel clear after crying louder”,

“Rain gives me freshness like a newly born child”,

“Rain is one of the best gift from nature”.

Life is so much beautiful …thanks for the clouds and sky and other things who are all responsible for rain.

ps:- anonymous is Casanova 😉