Traveling along with the dreams…!

October 11, 2010 one of the most important day of this year, as we (Blossom NGO) step into 5th year.We call it as B Day (Blossom Day).  Oct 11th 2006, we named our dream and registered it. I don’t know how many will get a chance to live along with the dream…and how many will get a chance to travel along with the dreams. We are lucky to get this chance. Traveling with Blossom all these years is really a bliss.  With sustainable growth and in a meaningful position we are happy to enter the fifth year.

Happy Birthday Blossom.

Frankly speaking, we found to move easy in the early years. We managed to create enough funds and volunteers and we achieved more than what we though of. The third year was bit tough to move due to lack of volunteers. And the fourth year was really a hectic one and we lagged a lot in both volunteers and funds. We faced a big financial crisis. But some how managed to support the usual activities. We considerably reduced the new activities and just maintained with the prior committed activities.

Personally I wish  to thank  jayashree (GG), eniyan, senthil,srini, selvam, shankar, gopal, mari for their continuous support at all the times. Without them all these years could not have been moved. Whatever may be the time and reason..these guys never stopped supporting us financially. Thanks a ton to other volunteers for their  financial and moral support. My special thanks to siva,madan,padma,mohan,angai,lakshmi,saravana,vasanth(vkrish),YHM,nagappan for their encouragement and their positive thoughts on Blossom. Their encouraging words and interest in the activities made us to move further. My heartfelt thanks to all the kind hearts involved in Blossom.We never measure a help by size, but we measure it by consistency. So every volunteer involved in Blossom made a positive difference in other lives.

We promise to take Blossom to the next level in this 5th year.  We are sure that Blossom will reach more people  to create smiles. With the perpetual  support from friends and kind hearts…any thing is possible in this world. Long way to travel…slowly but steadily we will make it happen. Together we can and together we will.

Blossom…lets bring it….!

Because of Blossom….Life is always beautiful and meaning full  …! Happy to be a part of it.

ps : For those who do not know about Blossom. Blossom is a social welfare organization which mainly works on the education field to provide quality education to all the students. Simple Equality in Quality eduction. Our major working areas are remote villages of Tamil nadu. Blossom also involved in humanity based services. For more details please contact

5 thoughts on “Traveling along with the dreams…!

  1. Hi Iam really happy and excited to be assoiciated with Blossoms . Infact blossoms is our sister concern i meet sathish and mohan in Balagurukulam in 2006 from then we hve been closely associated in many projects . When ever we YHM were short of funds we requested blossoms and without any hestitation it was took forward . I would love to thank sathish , mohan and other friends from blossoms . We are dam sure that our relation will build futher very strong and serve the society .

  2. Congratulations! I am so happy that I am part of Blossom. I wish you & all the volunteers of blossom all the best. Keep up the good work & you know how to contact me when you need.

  3. @ prabha..thanks a lot for your wishes and continuous interest on knowing our activities…and encouraging us…!
    @srini …thanks for your wishes…keep up the good work ( this fits for u too)…and ofcourse i Know how to contact you….for needs…!

  4. @nagappan….thanks for your words…! As you said….blossom and Yhm are connected well with each other. We always felt happy to work with YHM and its projects….! Learned a lot from YHM…! both has different names with a single vision….! Soon we will achieve this together….!

    and YHM and Blossom can proudly say ” nanbeen daa…!”…!

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