Its all about passion…!

Eight crazy minds, each one is different and talented in their own way but selected the same path to travel towards their carieer, joined hands and started working as a team. Only job is to play with pencil to colors. dealing with 2Dimension and 3 Dimensions, creative ideas to give identity, browsing through web as pages and contents. Worked with joy , took all the pressures as pleasures, made all the pain into gain,  with full efforts and interest , the team completed few projects in multimedia (graphics, animation2d, 3d, web etc.,).

Loads of fun @ work, regular entertainments , hangover in job, met the pressures to the peak level, eating together, playing with each other, meeting targets, sometime missing targets, finding reasons, compromising  with clients, lots of hiccups, learning every day. These are the things happening  over past 8 months. CRAZY PENCILZ STUDIO was the name confirmed for the new venture (STUDIO), transformed from HomeOffiec to Office from August 20th 2010.

Yes its me along with my friends formed Crazy Pencilz Studio and travelling together all these days and further. On Aug 20th we formally entered the new Studio space. Tats the reason I mentioned Aug 20 was special for two reasons ( ma b’day and CPZ opening day). I’m lucky to have it on ma bithday.  Crazy Pencilz Studio is like a Reality come true thing. We are just in the initial stage now and still a looooong way to go.

Life was not very easy all these months, but its worth to get the pain. We learned a lot and still learning, and happy to see the improvements in our works.  whatever we do we do with 100% involvement, so we get the best output. Will work more to keep the momentum and to reach next levels. Everyone has a dream and destiny, and through Crazy Pecnilz we will try to make it possible and easy to reach. Personally Crazy Pencilz mean a lot to me. Will never let it go down. I will never say this is my last try, but I can say its my first try.

“Veezvathu kutram alla…yezha marupathu thaan kuram”

In English

“Falling is not a mistake, but failing to rise is a mistake”

This  few words keeps me going. With all my confidence and passion I can do it. Its a day to cheer ourselves for the new beginning. All the best CPZ team, lets march towards next level.

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